
Install docker on your VPS

Download the installation shell of docker officially

curl -fsSL -o

Run the shell

sudo sh

Establish a host mapping path

Find a path that is used to store data on your VPS, for example:

cd /var/lib

Make a new directory, and remember your path

mkdir node_bevm_test_storage

Fetch the docker image

sudo docker pull btclayer2/bevm:testnet-v0.1.3

Run a docker container

if you set your hosting map path, you will replace "/var/lib/node_bevm_test_storage" on your own and you need to replace "your_node_name" to the name you fancy.

sudo docker run -d -v /var/lib/node_bevm_test_storage:/root/.local/share/bevm btclayer2/bevm:testnet-v0.1.3 bevm "--chain=testnet" "--name=your_node_name" "--pruning=archive" 

If you want to get incentives from the BEVM TestNet FullNode Program, set "your_node_name" as the BEVM address.

To synchronize swiftly, you can manually configure a boot node in the following way. sudo docker run -d -v /var/lib/node_bevm_test_storage:/root/.local/share/bevm btclayer2/bevm:v0.1.1 bevm "--chain=testnet" "--name=your_node_name" "--pruning=archive" --telemetry-url "wss:// 0" --bootnodes /ip4/publicIP/tcp/30333/ws/p2p/nodePublicKey Where you can find bootnode here

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