
Install BEVM Node by UI

Download the latest stable release of the BEVM node from the builds repo and unpack. Make sure you're running the Ubuntu system. Choose the corresponding binary package according to your operating system architecture here.

Unzip the downloaded package then you can try to run the node:

$ bevm --version
bevm 0.1.5-efdc72ca048

Install BEVM Node by cURL

curl -L -o bevm <binary url>

Unzip the tar file

tar -zxvf bevm

Run node (Run in the background)

Copy the path for the bevm, and then create a systemd service file.

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/bevm.service

Copy the content into your file (be sure to understand how to use VI)

Description=BEVM Node Service
User=your user name
ExecStart=<your bevm binary path> --chain=mainnet --name="your node name" --pruning=archive

Reload the systemd configuration

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the node service

sudo systemctl start bevm.service

Set the service to start automatically on boot

sudo systemctl enable bevm.service

Check the service running status

sudo systemctl status bevm.service

Run node (Unrecommend)

You must set your node name.

$ bevm --chain=mainnet --name="Your Node Name" --pruning=archive 

Last updated