Deploy and verify contract by Foundry
To set up a directory for Foundry with Git, ensure the directory is empty and not linked to another Git branch. Use the git init
command in the directory to create a new Git repository, which allows Foundry to work correctly. This process is crucial for proper version control and integration with Foundry.
Initialize the foundry directory
Install an open-source solidity repo
Open the directory by vs-code
Modify "Counter.sol"
1 Rename the file to "TokenTest.sol"
2 Modify the "TokenTest.sol" code as follows:
Modify "Counter.s.sol"
1 Rename the file to "TokenTest.s.sol"
2 Modify the "TokenTest.s.sol" code as follows:
Delete "test.sol"
It's optional. You may adjust the code accordingly.
Add a ".env" File
Activate ".env"
Deploy and verify your contract
When utilizing BEVM Canary/BEVM Canary TestNet, to align the Solidity version correctly, you may insert "solc_version = "0.8.13" " into the "foundry.toml" file within the "[profile.default]" section. This adjustment may require you to modify certain dependencies.
Afterward, the current status is provided beneath.
Last updated