Deploy Smart Contract on BEVM Canary

Your journey is almost finished. At last, you will deploy a smart contract on BEVM Canary.

Deploy Contract on BEVM Canary

Now, we shall proceed to deploy a smart contract on BEVM Canary, utilizing the identical process as employed for BEVM Canary TestNet. Initiate Remix, compile your code, and deploy your contract. It is crucial to verify that the Custom (1501) network is visible under the environment field during your deployment.

After a brief wait, you will observe that the contract has been successfully deployed on BEVM Canary, and you will also have the ability to import the recently deployed ERC20 token into MetaMask.

Next Step

Congratulations! You have now ascended to the role of a dApp developer on BEVM Canary. To further enhance and broaden your newly acquired skills as a smart contract developer, we highly recommend immersing yourself in our official documentation and builders' guides. Additionally, consider joining our Discord community to exchange thoughts with fellow developers and receive technical support.

Last updated